Online Business English training.


English is the global Business language and unless your staff possess a solid level of Business English, your company and employees run the risk of being left behind in the global marketplace. Increasingly, English is becoming the office language of many Dutch companies meaning there is a greater need than ever before for your staff to be able to communicate and express themselves confidently.


At Next Level English we provide Business English language training to match everyone's needs. We offer Business English courses catering to beginners with only basic knowledge to those with more advanced English skills. Our courses help you: 


  • Become the efficient and skilled communicator of English you always wanted to be.

  • Make fewer errors.
  • Improve your confidence and remove nerves when speaking English, in formal and social settings.

  • Reduce the need to constantly search for the correct words.

  • Structure and deliver convincing presentations.
  • Write effective, clear and concise emails.

  • Move away from relying on Google translate.

  • Improve your ability to understand spoken English.
  • Better your pronunciation.

B1 - Intermediate 

Your employees work towords improving their fluency and accuracy and being able to deal with most situations that arise in the workplace. 

B2 - Upper intermediate

Taking their skills to the Next Level, your employees focus on improving their skills to the extent that English provides few problems for them.

C1 - Advanced

Your employees are now capable of functioning independently in a range of professional and personal environments with an advanced level of accuracy and fluency.

                  Why Next Level English?




Our Business English courses are designed around your needs meaning we target the exact areas that you want to improve. We deliver results by ensuring that what we work on can be used directly after the lesson.




Our Business English courses can be followed at a time that suits you best: daytime or evening.  None of your time is wasted travelling to a language school and you don't have to study at a time that's inconvenient.




At Next Level English we strongly believe that having fun and learning go hand in hand. We create an atmosphere in which you dare to make mistakes as when mistakes are made, real learning takes place.


A selection of our clients